"Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."
Psalm 8:2

Email Subscriber Update

Dear friends and family, We are hoping to provide more updates about our family and parenting in general in the near future. To enable us to better communicate with you, our friends, family and readers, we have upgraded our email subscription provider to use MailChimp. If you are reading this in an email, then do …

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My Reading List for 2015

One of my resolutions for this year is to read 25 books. According to Goodreads, I read 18 books last year so 25 should be attainable, especially considering I have some friends who read well over 100 books each year. In order to have a plan of attack, I compiled a list that I’d like to work on. The list ended up being longer than 25 (51 to be exact), but it gives me a framework from which to choose.

I also recognize that the books I choose to read may change. I’ve actually already modified the list a couple of times because I picked up a new book and wanted to add it. So without further ado, my (potential) reading list for 2015, organized in some fashion.

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How Do You Like The New Theme?

I installed a new theme on the Franzone Family Blog. It was way past time for a change and the other theme I was using didn’t support the latest version of WordPress. This theme is called Fervens and was created by a site called Design Disease. I was showing somebody the new look and the …

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How To Tie The Perfect Tie

I came across this interesting video of a guy (Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week) showing on video how to tie the perfect tie. He is using a Windsor knot. I just thought it was kind of interesting. If any of you guys out there would like a quick rundown on the Windsor …

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